Invest in confidence for long term success

Qualium Investissement is a major historic and institutional player in private equity in France with €2.1bn invested in 70 French companies since its creation in 1998.
Qualium invests equity and and partners with entrepreneurs and managers to provide companies in growth capital and/or buyout phase with customized, innovative and sustainable financial solutions.

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At the heart of the mid-market
Qualium helps SME managers to implement their growth strategies, providing them with support and financing to internationalize, consolidate their market in France or abroad, innovate and prepare the future stages of their development.
raised since inception
companies supported

Our team

At the heart of our business is a multidisciplinary team of 20 people.
Meet the team
Angèle Martin
Investment Director
Cyprien Choutet
Antoine Schricke
Executive Director
Guillaume Péroz

Recent investments